The team at FastCo wrote an excellent piece on our new research: The B2B Purpose Paradox. Read the story here.
"Why would these companies want to embark on that journey anyway? Basically, it’s good for business, from the hiring process to building a company’s reputation. 'Purpose is a lens for our strategy development, our behaviors internally, our product development, the suppliers we work with, and then how we engage with society,' Cone says. Even if you’re not selling directly to a consumer, she adds, you still have to understand what you stand for as an organization.'
About CCOP
Our mission at Carol Cone ON PURPOSE is to develop a world of good. As purpose serves as a powerful growth accelerator, we help organizations discover their true reason for being and develop social impact programs that build reputation, engage employees, and guide internal operations.
Meet our team, discover the Purpose Collaborative, or schedule a free consultation!