LG Electronics
Add a humanizing dimension to the brand via a signature social purpose initiative to appeal to families and future consumers to deliver greater business and social impact. Add meaning to LG's tagline, "Life's Good."
CCOP’s proprietary process uncovered an emerging social issue aligned with the “Life’s Good” ethos: sustainable happiness for youth. Research uncovered that youth today were highly stressed, leading to failure in school, and sadly, thousands of suicides. We uncovered credible scientific programming that could help young people learn skills to help them cope with an ever-challenging world, gain greater mental and emotional health, and increased academic success. To equip LG to lead this emerging social issue, CCOP developed a robust program strategy, identified issue experts, and engaged prospective nonprofit partners that equip youth, their parents, and teachers with evidence-based sustainable happiness skills.
LG aimed to impact the lives of 5.5 million youth.