Kristian Merenda
Kristian Darigan Merenda is an expert movement-builder who has advised a wide range of world-class organizations in their efforts to drive mutually-beneficial transformation for business and society. She has been at the helm of some of the most iconic purpose initiatives launched in the past two decades, generating financial returns exceeding $1B for her clients and directing more than $2.5B in assets toward significant pro-social interventions. She has worked to establish and grow core performance competencies within organizations in functions including marketing, public affairs, community relations, corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability - including at Edelman and Cone.  Recently, her work creating Go Red for Women was honored by PR Week Magazine as the best campaign of the last two decades. Other client work has been featured in: President William J. Clinton’s Giving, Philip Kotler’s Social Marketing and M.Cass Wheeler’s You’ve Gotta Have Heart, among others and has received 100+ industry awards. Four of her top cases were published by Harvard Business School and the United Nations.